Millet – sources, health benefits, nutrients, uses and constituents at

Friday, June 23, 2017 by

You may not be too familiar with this but millet is a versatile grain, often overlooked, but is actually very sweet and nutty and can be used in many ways. It is a staple for a significant population of the world. It can be used in flatbreads or beer. It can also be used to ferment drinks and porridge.

Although it has mostly been considered bird and livestock feed, millet has acquired a following especially among those who follow gluten-free diets. Millet is actually packed with nutrients, which makes it even more interesting to health-conscious individuals.

List of known nutrients

  • Iron
  • Lignans
  • Magnesium
  • Niacin
  • Phosphorus
  • Protein
  • Riboflavin
  • Silica
  • Vitamin B6
  • Zinc

Medicinal uses for millet

These tiny grains are packed with nutrients that are good for the body. They contain vitamins, minerals, and organic compounds that can give your health the boost it needs. It’s gluten-free as well, which means those who have Celiac disease can enjoy this without any worry.

If you’re looking for something that will do your heart a lot of good, turn to millet. They are a rich source of magnesium, which helps reduce blood pressure. Consequently, it will minimize the risk of heart attacks or strokes. It will prevent atherosclerosis. Its potassium content will help you regulate proper blood flow.

To have a completely healthy heart, you need to make sure that your cholesterol levels are good. Millet contains fiber that help eliminate the bad cholesterol (low-density lipoprotein or LDL).

It’s interesting to note that diabetes is less frequent in many developing countries where millet is considered among the staple foods. Could it be related to the fact that millet contains nutrients — magnesium, in particular — that help reduce the risks of type-2 diabetes? Magnesium helps promote insulin and glucose receptors efficiency. Insulin and glucose help reduce the chances of developing this disease.

Moreover, millet can cure constipation, excess gas, bloating, and cramping because of its high fiber content. By improving digestion, you’ll be able to avoid gastric ulcers or colon cancer. A healthy digestive system would have a positive impact on other organs associated with your metabolic activities like your kidneys and liver, and your immune system.

Speaking of fiber content, research has shown that millet’s fiber offers one of the easiest ways to prevent breast cancer in women. As a matter of fact, women who eat more than 30 grams of fiber every day were able to significantly reduce their chances of contracting breast cancer by 50 percent.

Body systems supported by millet

Millet protects the heart. Most people would turn to oats to promote a healthy heart but what they don’t know is that millet also has nutrients that can make the heart resistant against diseases, stroke, and high blood pressure.

A study published in the American Journal of Gastroenterology showed that foods rich in insoluble fiber, like millet, can help women avoid gallstones. Fiber speeds intestinal transit time and reduces the secretion of bile acids. The same fiber content will ensure that your digestive system functions properly.

If you’re suffering from asthma, millet can bring a lot of relief. Research also shows that this grain can help prevent it in the first place. Compared to wheat, which is common in triggering allergic reactions, millet doesn’t have any of those allergy-inducing components; it’s safe to say that for people who don’t have a high tolerance against allergens, eating millet is healthier than eating wheat.

Furthermore, millet is rich in antioxidants. These are very helpful in fighting free radicals and promote cell health. Additionally, antioxidants keep the body resistant to diseases and make it stronger against more serious illnesses like cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular problems. These will also help detoxify the body.

Ways to use millet

Millet can be used as breakfast porridge or cereal. You can try and be creative by cooking millet fries or use it as stuffing for other meals. Regardless of how you use it, you can be assured not only of its good taste but of its nutritional benefits. Here are some millet recipes for you.

Where to learn more


Millet helps get rid of toxins from the body.

Millet promotes proper blood circulation.

Millet can prevent atherosclerosis and other heart diseases.

Millet improves digestion.

Millet can prevent breast cancer.

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